Phase 3 - Research Signing of MoA

Step 6 - Signing of MoA


Download MoA


This document should be read in conjunction with the following University of Pretoria policy documents:

  1. Fact Finder, General Rules and Regulations (2024) (see Master's: G.30-G.41 Doctoral: G.42-G.54)
  2. Policy for the Preservation and Retention of Research Data (3 p)
  3. Intellectual Property Policy (39 p)
  4. Plagiarism Prevention Policy (30 p)


Make an appointment with supervisor to discuss and sign MoA


Show proof of registration to the supervisor (before any supervision can commence)


Student and supervisor update milestones on PeopleSoft after each appointment (refer to, and update Milestone 2: Signing of MoA between Supervisor and Student)

Please note:
- Supervisor obtains signature of HOD
- Student and supervisor both keep a copy of MoA
- Supervisor submits original of MoA to EBIT: Postgraduate Administration office
- Should student neglect to hand in MoA, system will put a HOLD on student so that student will not be able to register for the second year of study

Phase 3 - Research Protocol/Proposal submission

Step 7 - Protocol / Proposal Submission


Write and submit a research proposal (to the supervisor) within 4 months of registration (also consult Library's website at: )


Student and supervisor update milestones on PeopleSoft after each appointment (refer to, and update Milestone 3: Research Protocol / Proposal first submission)


Receive feedback

Please note:
If the research proposal is accepted:
-a student who is already registered for the degree will be notified by the supervisor / HOD to continue with Step 8
-a student who is registered for ZZZ 777 / ZZZ 888 will be notified by admission letter by EBIT: Postgraduate Administration office to repeat Step 4 and 5 (to now register for the degree) and then continue with Step 8

Phase 3 - Research Title registration

Step 8 - Title Registration

8.1. Student and supervisor update milestones on PeopleSoft after each appointment (refer to, and update Milestone 4: Title registration)

Please note:
When submitting MoA the student and supervisor must make sure that the title of the Dissertation / Thesis is correct as this title is registered by the EBIT Postgraduate studies office as the title

Phase 3 - Research Research Data Management Plan

Step 9 - Research Data Management Plan (if applicable)

9.1. Student and supervisor update milestones on PeopleSoft after each appointment (refer to, and update Milestone 5: Research Data Management Plan)

Please note:
Discuss with supervisor if this is applicable

Phase 3 - Research Obtain Ethical clearance

Step 10 - Obtain Ethic Clearance (if required)


Apply for Ethic clearance from EBIT's Faculty Committee for Research Ethics and Integrity


Read through background documentation on Ethics website:
*Code of Ethics for Scholarly Activities (also see Step 6.2)
*Policy and Procedures for Responsible Research


Fill and submit appropriate forms
*Application form (See process here)
*Declaration by researcher form
*Informed consent form (example only) Adapt to be informative and specific to your project


Student and supervisor update milestones on PeopleSoft after each appointment (refer to, and update Milestone 6: Faculty Ethical Clearance approval)

Forms Lifecycle of a Masters' / Doctoral student

Forms for the Lifecycle of a Masters' / Doctoral student

Phase 4 - Dissertation/Thesis Proposal Approval

Step 11 - Final Protocol / Proposal Approval


(If not yet approved) write and submit a final research proposal (to the supervisor) within 6-9 months of registration


Receive feedback


Student and supervisor update milestones on PeopleSoft after each appointment (refer to, and update Milestone 7: Final approval of Research Protocol / Proposal)

Phase 4 - Dissertation/Thesis Write Dissertation / Thesis

Step 12 - Write Dissertation / Thesis


Consult templates for typing dissertation / thesis: (these are only examples)
*Title page
*Keywords and abstract
*Typing of Chapter 1
*Declaration of Originality (and ethic approval)


Consult other guides and templates, e.g.
*A very comprehensive Research guide for postgraduate students for the Graduate School of Technology Management (consult where applicable)
*Typing template of EECE (consult where applicable)

Phase 4 - Dissertation / Thesis Supervisor Report - Year 1

Step 13 - Supervisor Report - Year 1


Student and supervisor update milestones on PeopleSoft after each appointment (refer to, and update Milestone 8: Report by supervisor of satisfactory progress at end of Year 1)

Please note:
If the supervisor's report is not favourable, registration will not be possible for the following year of study

Phase 4 - Register online - Year 2 Proposal Approval

Step 14 - Register Online - Year 2

14.1. Register online

14.2. Student and supervisor update milestones on PeopleSoft after each appointment (refer to, and update Milestone 9: Register for 2nd Year)

Phase 4 - Supervisor Report Year 2 Proposal Approval

Step 15 - Supervisor Report Year 2


Student and supervisor update milestones on PeopleSoft after each appointment (refer to, and update Milestone 10: Report by supervisor of satisfactory progress at end of Year 2)

Please note:
If the supervisor's report is not favourable, registration will not be possible for the following year of study

Phase 4 - Register Online - Year 3 Proposal Approval

Step 16 - Register Online -Year 3

16.1. Register online

16.2. Student and supervisor update milestones on PeopleSoft after each appointment (refer to, and update Milestone 11: Register for 3rd Year)

Phase 4 - Submit Dissertation / Thesis Proposal Approval

Step 17 - Submit Dissertation / Thesis


Submit letter of intention to submit dissertation / thesis
Notify supervisor and EBIT: Postgraduate Administration office of intention of submission in three months time, by filling in the intention of submission form and submitting a copy to the supervisor and to EBIT: Postgraduate Administration office at:

Masters & PHD (School of Engineering): [email protected] or Masters & PHD (School for the Built Environment, School of IT & Graduate School of Technology Management): [email protected].


Student and supervisor update milestones on PeopleSoft after each appointment (refer to, and update Milestone 12: Letter of intention to submit the thesis / dissertation for evaluation purposes)


Submit draft of dissertation / thesis to supervisor for internal evaluation together with the Turn-it-in report (Plagiarism report)


Student and supervisor update milestones on PeopleSoft after each appointment (refer to, and update Milestone 13: Turn-it-in report (Plagiarism report))


Submission of Examination copy of dissertation / thesis

Submit the following to EBIT Postgraduate Research department office the final draft of dissertation / thesis:
*Electronic examination copy (Student and supervisor update milestones on PeopleSoft after each appointment (refer to, and update Milestone 14))
*Submission form (same as in step 12.2, but now also section C completed by the supervisor (Student and supervisor update milestones on PeopleSoft after each appointment (refer to, and update Milestone 15))
*Doctoral candidate: a CV (Citation) approved by the supervisor (see guidelines) (Student and supervisor update milestones on PeopleSoft after each appointment (refer to, and update Milestone 16))

Phase 4 - Examination of Dissertation / Thesis Proposal Approval

Step 18 - Examination of Dissertation / Thesis (also Oral, if applicable)


Examiners examine the dissertation / thesis


Receive notification by supervisor of outcome


Make amendments (if applicable) to the satisfaction of the supervisor

Please note:
Names of Examiners may not be revealed to the student and the student may have NO contact with any of the Examiners

Supervisor completes, signs and hands in to EBIT: Postgraduate Administration office the changes declaration form specifying that changes have satisfactorily been amended by the student (see Step 13)

The Departmental Postgraduate Committee may decide that the candidate should be called for oral questioning to confirm the recommendation of the examination panel

Phase 4 - Article(s) Publication Proposal Approval

Step 19 - Article(s) Publication


Student and supervisor update milestones on PeopleSoft after each appointment (refer to, and update Milestone 19: Proof of submission of an article (draft to supervisor / to an accredited journal))

Please note:
Commencement of the writing of the article(s) must be timeously as proof of submission must be submitted together with the examiners' final report

Masters: According to General Regulations G.39.12 a Masters' student must submit proof that a draft article based on the research that the student has conducted for the dissertation and which has been approved by the supervisor has been submitted to the supervisor for publication in a peer-reviewed accredited journal

Doctoral: According to General Regulations G.51 a doctoral student must submit proof that a one / two article(s) based on the research that the student has conducted for the thesis and which has been approved by the supervisor has / have been submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed accredited journal

In both cases the supervisor will be responsible for ensuring that the article(s) has / have been taken through all the processes of revision and resubmission , as may be necessary

Phase 4 - Finalise results of Dissertation Proposal Approval

Step 20 - Finalise Results of Dissertation / Thesis

Please note:
The supervisor submits the following documents to EBIT: Postgraduate Administration office:
- Examiners' final report
- Oral report (if applicable)
- Proof of article(s) submitted
- Declaration of changes made

Deputy Dean makes final recommendation


Receive permission from EBIT: Postgraduate Administration office to the binding of the final approved hard copy (copies) of the dissertation / thesis


Bind dissertation / thesis

Forms Lifecycle of a Masters' /Doctoral student

Forms for the Lifecycle of a Masters' / Doctoral student

Phase 5 - Application Upload on UPSpace

Step 21 - Upload on UPSpace


Read the following policies regarding submission of dissertation/thesis onto UPSpace at:
*Policy on University of Pretoria electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs)
*Policy to provide open access to research papers authored by University of Pretoria researchers
*Policy on Open Access Publishing Processing Charges (APC)
*Guidelines for Application to the University of Pretoria Open Access Fund for Article Processing Charges (APCs)


Upload the approved final copy of the dissertation / thesis onto UPSpace

Phase 5 - Application Final Submission

Step 22 - Final Submission (to EBIT: Postgraduate studies office)


Submit Submission form for UPSpace(pdf) (Student and supervisor update milestones on PeopleSoft after each appointment (refer to, and update Milestone 18))


Submit electronic copy of dissertation / thesis on CD in Word and in pdf format (if not uploaded on UPSpace) (Student and supervisor update milestones on PeopleSoft after each appointment (refer to, and update Milestone 18))

Please note:
In both cases , uploading onto UPSpace oneself, or handing in the CD, the submission form must be handed in


Submit final boundy copy / copies of dissertation / thesis to EBIT: Postgraduate Research department office (Student and supervisor update milestones on PeopleSoft after each appointment (refer to, and update Milestone 17))

Please note:
A doctoral candidate should have handed in a CV (Citation), approved by the supervisor, previously (see Step 17.4)

Phase 5 - Application Attend Graduation

Step 23 - Attend Graduation


Receive outcome of examination and invitation letter to graduation from EBIT: Postgraduate Administration office


Attend graduation

Forms Lifecycle of a Masters' /Doctoral student

Forms for the Lifecycle of a Masters' / Doctoral student

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